Comments from Readers

Comments for Cannot release weak hand 3yrs after stroke. Help.

There's always hope

My partner was to never walk or read again - he does both and is very independent considering his survival was unlikely.
He is a living, breathing testament to what a positive attitude and constant work can do. He goes to the gym every day, rides a recumbent trike. Read's books and listens to books, music and podcasts. After 11 years he got is drivers license back & the car is set up for his left foot (gas pedal) and a nob on the steering wheel (He is right side paralyzed).
One book I highly recommend reading and looking into is Norman Doidge "The Brain that Changes Itself". He testifies to neuroplasticity. I've read about the use of mirror boxes and Saebo hand exercises.
Best of luck - never give up.

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