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Vision problems may occur after a stroke if an area of the brain that controls vision is affected. Below is a list of vision problems that one might experience due to stroke and various treatments that may be used.
Hemianopsia occurs when the visual field is cut in one-half of each eye. The person with hemianopsia will not see objects on the side where the visual field has been lost. Visual field is lost in one side of both eyes. Symptoms of hemianopsia may include only eating half of the food on one's plate, drawing only one side of an object, not being able to read one side of a page, and not seeing objects off to one side of the body. Patients with hemianopsia can be taught to compensate for their visual field loss by scanning their eyes in the direction of the hemianopsia and turning their head so they will not miss seeing objects on the affected side. Treatments for hemianopsia include saccade training or scanning therapy, boundary marking, lens that expand the visual field, and vision restoration therapy.
Diplopia or double vision can occur causing a person to see two images of a single object. Some treatment techniques include vision exercises, prisms, and occlusion (patching one eye or part of the lens). |
When visual neglect occurs, one will ignore objects off to one side of the body. Patients with visual field neglect often keep their head turned toward the non-affected side and rarely look over to the affected side. Helpful techniques for neglect include approaching and talking to the stroke victim from the affected side and encouraging scanning to that side. Teaching a stroke victim with neglect to scan to the affected side is more difficult than if they only have hemianopsia. Auditory feedback systems can be used to provide sound cues to help individuals with visual neglect direct their attention to the neglected side. For example, a device may emit a beep or tone, prompting the person to turn their attention in that direction.
The stroke patient may have a slowing of the blinking rate or an incomplete blink which leads to the eyes drying out. Artificial tears and reminding the patient to blink fully may be helpful for this condition. |
Sensitivity to Light - The eyes may have difficulty adjusting to different light levels. Sunglasses or tinted glasses may be helpful for this type of vision problem.
With this eye disorder, the eyes do not turn in together (or converge) as they should when a person is looking at an object in midline near the face. You can test for convergence insufficiency by having a patient watch a pen as you move it toward their nose. In a normal response, both eyes should move inward as the pen moves closer to the face. Incoordination of the eye muscles due to stroke can lead to an abnormal response where one (or both) eyes do not move inward often causing double vision. |
A Brock String can be used for convergence training. |
Stroke may affect the brain's ability to process depth cues, leading to problems with judging distances and perceiving depth accurately. This makes it difficult to tell how far or near an object is and may result in the patient under or overreaching when trying to grasp an object.
If you have visual perceptual deficits after stroke, you should seek out a specially trained optometrist called a neuro-optometrist. These professionals are trained in working with eye disorders after stroke or neurological injury. In addition, you can do vision rehabilitation with an OT trained in this area. There are also various activity books with visual perceptual activities like the ones below that can be found online:
Our stroke rehab guide is designed specifically for patients and caregivers. It's in pdf format and can be immediately downloaded. It includes about
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