Comments from Readers

Comments for Hemiplegic ,seeking advice

stroke rehabilitation

I had a cancer called lymphoma B type and had my treatment in France.This was followed by a stroke and I had it on my right side. I have also diabetes and high blood pressure. I had few chances of survival.

I started doing physical training and you will not believe me. I am back on my feet, driving my car, running, doing my office job, riding bicycle and leading a normal life. It takes time to get a cure, but in 3 years you will witness miracles. Keep your morale high.


Hell , I feel sorry for you , I had a stroke (Lck-in-Syndrome) myself , you can read my story on Stroke Rehab. I know you're young, in fact far too young to get a stroke. I must say that stroke is not easy, you must be patient and remember it take years to recover and the problem is that you don't even know up to what stage you are going to recover. My progress over the last 15 months is minimal. My email is You are welcome to write to me.

Hope you get better quickly, your whole life lay ahead of you

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Our stroke rehab guide is designed specifically for patients and caregivers. It's in pdf format and can be immediately downloaded. It includes about

  • Stroke Definition & Causes
  • Stroke Treatment
  • Rehabilitation Information for Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy
  • Exercise pictures
  • Q&A from patients and caregivers
  • Adaptive Equipment & Techniques
  • How to Prevent Another Stroke & More!

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