Comments from Readers

Comments for Question: Anger stroke victim after 7 yrs

Reprogramming Brain

I've had a stroke but the first hospital that I stayed at was not much good as the be-all and end-all was that patients must not fall over! Later I got rail-roaded into a care home that had access to a brilliant physiotherapist and she turned my life around. At the first hospital a bad nurse/physio said "Your old life has gone and will never return and you'll never walk again so try to make the most of what you've still got left. I was truly gutted to hear such a depressing prognosis. My new physio who shouts "STEP!" "STEP!" and marches me around the hospital gym is in a different league. OK the shouting and marching does make my brain hurt but this is a small price to pay for being able to walk again. Never give up! Best regards from David.

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