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Comments for stroke recovery

breaking had stroke and his abusive

My brother had a stroke in 2006, aged 24 following a football accident when a ball hit his head.
Has not effected him physically.
However, he is a completely different person. Pure evil at times. Accuses me of 'being in on something...' when im in on nothing. Often this occurs when he's feeling anxious or something has happened (lost something, work..) All me apparently. He's nasty and threatens violence. He has assaulted my mother, police were called and yes he was arrested! All started when he started accusing us of stealing his stuff...nothing stolen... then he started on some curtains which were taken down when decorating, then his it went on... Just can not reason with him.

One night he flew off, couldnt find his black shoes. However he has no black shoes. I highlighted this to him, and pointed out he has navy shoes. Then he changed his mind and said navy shoes were missing... then white shoes. No shoes were missing. He then went into the garden and tipped the recycling box over looking for these shoes...
3 hours of abuse later he found the shoes under his bed...and came walking out his room like nothing had happened. I just cried.

People tell me to be patient be kind, caring...I am all these things anyway it is in my nature.
I am frustrated that no one really understands. Breaking point!

I don't like my husband since his stroke

My husband of three years had a stroke a year ago. He was very fortunate that it wasn't a severe stroke, however, he is a totally different person. He is now very introverted, suffers with severe apathy, drinks a lot, is diabetic and has high cholesterol and has total disregard for healthy eating or doing any exercise even though we have three dogs that need constant exercise. He shows me no affection whatsoever, and I think he actually dislikes me. He falls into a drunken slumber every night, and I leave him on the sofa. He is 60 and I am 53. Am I selfish to want something more of my life ? He doesn't want to go on holidays, and when we rented a cottage, I ended up doing everything, so no break for me, I can't trust him to do anything. Help! Is it awful of me to want more from my life ? Or to meet someone else ?

My mum had a MCA stroke

My mum sufferd a MCA stroke 8 weeks ago while in the hospital with pneumonia. Mum has been declining in physio and speech and language. She was in the hospital for 3 weeks. Mum was very unsettled in the hospital. Mum can't communicate, has liquid diets, and lost use of her right arm and leg. It's heartbreaking for us all. We have not been able to understand what Mum is saying too us. She understands what we say & she recognizes her great grandchildren. Mum was rushed back into the hospital today because she was unresponsive. After a few hours in the hospital she came around and doctors couldn't find out why it happened. We are hoping Mum will walk and talk again. Can you please tell us if Mum has a chance.

Response from She is still in the early stages of rehabilitation, and obviously she just had some other recent medical event so I think you should not give up hope and need to allow time to see more positive changes. If you are concerned about her current condition or worry that she is actually declining, then I encourage you to consult with her physician(s).


Question: My daddy has never treated me the same as he treated my brother. However since he had this stroke he seems to hate me. I try and go to see him and my mother at least once a week and I live in a different state than the home he is in. My brother comes when it is convenient for him and he treats him well. What can I do because he is unbearable almost every time I go to see him?

Answer: Have you talked about it with your mother to see if she has any insight as to why your father would treat you different? It sounds like you felt this way even before the stroke and that it's not necessary as a result of the stroke since he is amiable to your brother. Stroke can definitely change someone's emotions and make them angrier or more emotional. When this happens, some options are to have the stroke patient see a neuropsychiatrist or neuropsychologist to address issues, to see a MD regarding any medication needs or changes, and for caregivers to realize that the stroke has affected their loved one's personality and not to take it personally. It is okay to talk to your father and let him know how you feel. If you haven't talked to him about it, he may be unaware that you have these feelings. If you have a conversation with him and he doesn't seem to make changes then it may be due to his stroke and something that he can't control.

online support group

Do you know of any stroke online support groups that I could join?


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